Army Commander, Lt. Gen. Jagath Jayasuriya today categorically refuted the accusations leveled against him by the ex-Chief of Defence Staff, General Sarath Fosenka. At a meeting held at Kilinochchi, Army 58 Division Headquarters with the participation of high-ranking officials of the Army who directly contributed in the humanitarian mission to liberate the North, Commander Jayasuriya noted that the logic behind General Fonseka’s argument that he (Lt. Gen. Jayasuriya) should not be promoted to the rank of Army Commander is baseless and said that the Commanding Officers, Brigade Commanders, Task Force Commanders, and Divisional Commanders who actively participated in the mission to liberate the country from the clutches of terrorism will substantiate his contribution in the ground operations. “The staff present here today will evident whether I was serving in ‘Hold Formation’ position as claimed by Gen. Fonseka or offensive operations,” he said. Commander Jayasuriya said that Gen. F...
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