Following in the footsteps of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan (The Pink Panther 2) and Bipasha Basu (Singularity), Jacqueline Fernandez might also be set for her big break in Hollywood. The actor has been approached for Definition of Fear, a Canadian-British venture that marks the directorial debut of producer James Simpson who backed The Merchant of Venice (2004), starring Al Pacino. “I have been approached for the film. Things are still at a discussion stage, so I will announce it only once the project is finalised,” she says. To be shot in Canada, UK and New York, the film is likely to go on floors this summer. In the meantime, the former Miss Sri Lanka has signed up for her maiden outing in a film from her motherland, Pravegaya. “I will just make a small appearance in the film. It’s something I was also keen on doing because the film industry (in Sri Lanka) is starting to open up and so it needs all the encouragement it can get. This is my way of showing them support,”...