An Indian national accused of trying to rape a Filipina housemaid was cleared of the charges by a United Arab Emirates (UAE) court but was still sentenced to one month in prison for trespassing. The Dubai Court of First Instance acquitted the Indian worker, 30, of the charge that he tried to rape the maid, 25, for lack of corroborated evidence, according to a Gulf News report Sunday. Gulf News said the man may be released soon as he has already been in detention for a month. It added that the primary judgment remains subject to appeal within 15 days. But the chief judge upheld a charge of trespassing, due to the man's entering the residence the woman was working in without permission. The man had denied the charges against him. “No I did not trespass into the villa. Actually she is the one who invited me in. I am not guilty,” he said before the court. According to Gulf News, the woman testified that the man entered the house without permission and chased her into her bedroom, w...
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