Samsung said on Monday that preorders for its upcoming Galaxy S8 smartphone are proving to be more popular than last year's Galaxy S7 in the United States. "The majority of consumers have been selecting the Galaxy S8+," Samsung said in an email to CNBC, noting that the larger model is more popular than the smaller Galaxy S8. Samsung added that it's already noticing "double digit growth" (at least 10 percent) over last year in the few weeks since pre-orders for the smartphone went on sale. This suggests a few things. First, there seems to be pent-up demand for a new Samsung flagship smartphone even after the Galaxy Note 7 debacle last year, in which random battery fires consumed some phones, forcing Samsung to recall the model entirely. While last year's Galaxy S7 was released without incident, the Note 7 was the last phone Samsung released in the U.S., and the Note line-up are the company's most advanced phones. Second, consumers don...