Etisalat Sri Lanka
Etisalat, Sri Lanka’s first cellular network commenced the operations in 1989. Since its inception in 1989, Etisalat has consistently provided not only the widest coverage and an unprecedented service, but also a host of other Value Added Services.
Their Vision
People enjoy access to their world.
We create ‘A world where mobile services are affordable, accessible and available everywhere and to all.’
Our Mission
We provide services for people who want to stay in touch, to belong to communities and to be informed and entertained, enabling them to express their emotions and enhance their lives.
We deliver the 3 A’s, Affordability, Accessibility and Availability; providing affordable services, good coverage and ease of purchase & use. We focus on consistently meeting and exceeding customer’s expectations and developing an inspirational brand.
Our Values
Integrity – we:
..act with transparency, honesty and loyalty
..follow the rules
..account for our actions
..commit to our Ethics
Respect – we:
..value each other’s contributions
..treat everyone with dignity
..don’t discriminate
Passion – we:
..are positive
..are committed to execute and deliver
..are innovative & creative
..are enthusiastic
..are courageous
Performance is a matter of integrity, respect and passion…
Focusing on all three values together is essential to create sustainable success.
We treat the Company as if it is our own.
Corporate History
The origins of Millicom International Cellular S.A. can be traced back to the early days of the cellular industry. In 1979, Industriforvaltnings AB Kinnevik, acquired a small mobile telephone company in Sweden which developed into Comviq GSM. Also in 1979, Millicom Incorporated (“Millicom”) was formed to pursue cellular telephone opportunities in America and in 1982, was awarded by the US Federal Communications Commission one of the three cellular development licenses. In 1982, Millicom founded with Racal Electronics PLC, a joint venture which evolved into Vodafone Group PLC. From early 1983, Kinnevik and Millicom began applying for cellular licenses internationally.
Millicom International Cellular S.A. (“MIC”, “the group”) was formed on December 14, 10090 when Industriforvaltnings AB Kinnevik and Millicom contributed their respective interests in international cellular joint ventures to form the group.
MIC was incorporated under Luxembourg law on June 16, 1992.
During 1993, MIC entered into discussions with Millicom, formerly the owner of approximately 49% of MIC, rgarding the acquisition of Millicom in order to obtain a NASDAQ listing and providing Millicom shareholders with direct ownership in MIC, then Millicom’s principal asset. On December 30, 1993 a resolution was placed before the share holders of Millicom proposing an acquisitive merger with MIC. The resolution was overwhelmingly endorsed and MIC officially began trading on NASDAQ on December 31, 1993. As a consequence of the merger MIC acquired all Millicom’s interest in 3C (UK), a UK based pay telephone operation. The remaining businesses of Millicom, including its successful satellite TV operations, the broadband license for Britain & Innova Inc., a computer networking company, were contributed to anew company, American Satellite Network Inc.
Mikael Grahne was elected President and CEO of MIC in March 2009. He joined Millicom in February 2002 as COO having previously been President of Seagram Latin America.
[Coverage Map-2010-02-25]