While respecting Ven. Maduluwawe Sobhitha Thera, he would like to ask the Venerable monk why he has not spoken or protested on the other Courts Martial which are so frequent in the military establishment, said Gampaha District Parliamentarian Mervin Silva.
Addressing a gathering at Kelaniya to commemorate World Elders’ Day in the Kelaniya Pradeshiya Sabha Division, Mr. Silva said that there were so many, specially from the villages who had been Court Martialled earlier and no one had raised any cries on their behalf.
“If Sarath Fonseka is innocent, the courts will consider the evidence if an appeal is made and release him. I too was put in jail but as I was proved innocent I was set free by the courts,” Mervin Silva added.
If at all anyone is to fight for the release of former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka, they have to do it legally and constitutionally and not by engaging in protests and marches, added Mr. Silva.
He also said that Ven. Sobitha Thera is a person he holds in high regard. Mervin Silva said that he requests all concerned not to resort to useless protests but seek the release of Mr. Fonseka by legal and democratic means as soon as possible.