United National Party (UNP) General Secretary, Tissa Attanayake says that he will meet with the Election Commissioner to discuss information regarding actions that can be taken in order to hold a free and fair election.
He stated that currently the use of state property in election propaganda work has increased drastically and also the use of public property and election violence incidents have also begun to surface.
Steps must be taken especially to verify the impartiality of the police and government officials and also to avoid government involvement, he pointed out.
“Representatives of political parties have not been afforded the opportunity to attend postal vote casting centers” Attanayake expressed. “As complaints had been received on earlier occasions that the pressure of state officials had existed in certain postal vote casting centers, party representatives should be permitted to attend those centers in order to maintain transparency.”
Another intention of this discussion will be to request for special permission through the Election Commissioner for representatives of parties to be present at these centers, said the General Secretary speaking to Share Blogs.