As one would expect, it was a proposal—and ohdeargodareyouforreal—a ring befitting the reality princess.
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"OMGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!" Kim wrote on her blog. "It's true! I couldn't be happier! Thank you guys for all of the sweet messages!!! I finally found my missing puzzle piece, I'm complete!
The proposal took place one week ago, on May 18, when the 26-year-old Humphries surprised his 30-year-old love in her Beverly Hills home. When she entered her bedroom, she saw Humphries already on bended knee with red rose petals forming what was by then a hopefully obvious question: "Will you marry me?"
"I didn't expect this at all," the bride-to-be told People. "I was in such shock. I never thought it would happen at home, and I never thought now."
Another thing she couldn't have expected: the size of that rock. Humphries' question was eased along by the offering of a custom-designed 20.5-carat Lorrain Schwartz diamond engagement ring.
Yes, you read that right: 20.5 carats. Just so you know what kind of bauble we're dealing with here, it surpasses that of even a duchess, as Kate Middleton's massive sapphire engagement ring from Prince William is a relatively paltry 18 carats.
"I just knew I wanted it to be big," Humphries told the mag. Sounds like you got yourself a keeper there, Kim.
The surprise was pulled off—as all Kardashian surprises seem to be—with help from mama Kris Jenner, who was in on (the other) Kris' plans and who had planned an intimate celebration for the immediate family later that night.
"Kris really didn't want a big celebration, but he had jokingly told my mom he'd be fine if there were mini-horses there," Kim said. "Later that night, my mom brought out two mini-horses, covered in glitter, for us! It was hysterical!" (Sweet and all, just don't let Pink hear you.)
No wedding date has yet been announced, though if we can learn anything from the past, it's that it will not only not be kept secret, but will get a special place in our hearts. And our TiVos.
"YIIPPEEE SO HAPPY!!!!!" Jenner tweeted this morning of the news that she would once again be made a mother-in-law. "PALEEEEEZE GIVE ME MORE THAN 9 DAYS!!!!!!!! I AM BEGGING….."
Kim's sister Khloé Kardashian Odom (she of the infamous nine-day advance wedding prep) also wasted no time in publicly congratulating her sister.
"I can't believe I was able to keep this a secret but now I can scream all I want about it! Kim is engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!
"Kimmie I love you so much!!!! I would do anything in the world for you!!! Seeing you this happy in your life makes me smile daily! You deserve this happiness! Get excited baby!!!!! We r about2 celebrate!! :) Kris welcome 2the fam! Just so u know, u married all of us!"
Not to be left out, Kourtney Kardashian also got in on the excitement, tweeting, "My sister is engaged!!! I'm squealing with excitement! The princess has found her prince. I am so happy because @KimKardashian is happy!"
Congrats, you two..
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